

Nutrisafe 2 Feeding Tubes

For use of more than 3 weeks
􀁒 Silicone Nutrisafe 2 feeding tube 2331062
􀁒 6Fr 50 cm

Vented Cap to enable gravity feeding

81822 20ml Syringe
81862 60ml syringe

Cap for Nutrisafe 2 syringe

82801 Individually packaged (100/4800)
82808 Pack of 8 (800)

Nutrisafe 2 Syringes

Syringes with purple coloured plunger enabling instant identification.
Individually packaged and sterile.

Nutrisafe 2 extension tubes

Purple coloured DEHP-free PVC extension tube.
Standard bore 1.5×2.5mm

Nutrisafe 2 Accessories

Nutrisafe 2 Syringe Driver

– The Nutrisafe 2 syringe driver is an easy-to-use, high quality pump designed
especially for enteral feeding.
– The syringe driver is capable of working continuously more than 6 hours and
is compatible with all types of Nutrisafe 2 syringes
– Parameters settable:
􀁒 Flow rate
􀁒 Volume
􀁒 Occlusion
􀂃 Three occlusion limits for viscosity difference in feed to avoid
unnecessary occlusion alarm
– Safety Features include:
􀁒 Double press button for priming and bolus dose delivery
􀁒 Delivery button records volume delivered
􀁒 Pause to allow for interruption in feed without losing set parameters
􀁒 Multi-directional clamp
– Alarms
􀁒 Nearly finished ±1.5ml
􀁒 Finished ± 0.5ml
􀁒 Occlusion
􀁒 Insecure syringe